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Location and Tips

Igreja de São Francisco de Assis

The construction of this Baroque church, with an initial project by Aleijadinho, began in 1772 – and was completed around 1809. It is one of the most famous Catholic churches in the country and has, inside, rare displays of Baroque beauty and Catholic wealth. One of its chandeliers is unique, having only one other replica in the world, which is in a church in France.

Praça da Estação

Every country town has a square, right? One of those in São João del Rei is, precisely, the Praça da Estação. Maria Fumaça tours make the round trip to Tiradentes, in a trip that lasts about half an hour. Many of the wagons are original and the station also hosts the Museum of the Rotunda, which tells the story of the creation of the Estrada de Ferro Oeste de Minas, through which Maria Fumaça passes.

Teatro Municipal

Founded in 1893 and last modernized in 2003, the Municipal Theater – with the Old Portuguese spelling – is the stage for the city’s main cultural events, including plays, concerts, performances by the city’s Conservatory of Music and children’s and youth graduations.

Ponte da Cadeia

Currently, it is one of the most popular tourist spots for photos, for its unique architecture and engineering and for being very close to the City Hall building, exactly in the building of the old Casa da Câmara, also built in colonial style.

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Reception: 07:30h to 22:00h, if not within the hours, contact the Pousada.
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